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We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health

Eye Care Specialists
You Can Trust.

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We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health

Eye Care Specialists
You Can Trust.

    24 / 7 Hours Service

    Online Appoinment

    We Are For You

    Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday:
    • 9:00am to 5:00pm
    • Weekends:
    • By Appointment Only
    Years Of Experienced in Medical Services
    About Us

    Our Medical Expectations Providing Excellent Service

    RMS Medical Group delivers personalized mobile healthcare  professional service to the  communities we serve.  We provide complete assessment, diagnosis and treatment to allow them to remain in their homes.  Alongside are ancillary services that we made available to our clients. 

    E.g. Xray, EKG, UTZ, Lab works both basic and comprehensive.

    Dr. Hoang-Chuong Vu, MD

    Medical Director


    Primary Care Physicians

    Supervising Physicians

    New Medical Doctors

    Pain Management

    Wound Specialists

    Podiatry Specialists

    Cardiology Specialist

    Vascular Specialist

    Mobile Ultrasound

    Our Services

    Why Choose US

    We Are Committed To keep

    You Healthy & Safe

    Meet our team

    Specialist Doctors

    Need a Doctor for Check-up?

    Eye Care Services For Childrens And Adults

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    Years of Experience


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    Client Testimonials

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    News & Press Release

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    In our clinic discounts for a full inspection

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    Medical Records are Safe Your now a days.

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    Office In our clinic discounts for a full inspection

    Fummy text of the prnting and type news seting industrs standard known prin aretertook a printing and typenews…
