Prescriptions / Medical Refills
Minor Surgery is procedure of clearing or stopping the unwanted growth , swelling or structure which is not meant to be like this where major surgery would be inappropriate to do. Minor surgery is held under local anesthetic. Minor surgery word itself describes it’s essence. Moreover, People really get worried but minor surgery is not big deal. Now, as we know there are different types of major surgeries. Similarly, there are so many different types of minor surgery too. Few of them are listed below
- Cyst Removal
- Wart Removal
- Mole Removal
- Milia Removal
- Wound Suturing
Minor surgery types mentioned above are few and there are also so many other types of minor surgery. But here we were not covering all of them but very few. These surgeries are performed to stop unwanted growth of so many things and due to which the person might not be feeling well. So lets stop beating around the bushes and cut to the chase directly.
Cyst Removal
A cyst is basically a sac or lump or a bump on your skin and it could be located anywhere on your skin. It is not difficult to remove a cyst from your skin because it takes only thirty to forty five minutes to do so. Cyst is basically filled with some kind of fluid or air and it could be something else too. These sacs of fluid do not causes the cancer. Patient should be cautious about these cysts. Cysts can not be removed from your body without doing a proper surgery. For that you must see your dermatologist and he/she will let you now about the whole procedure.

Warts Removal
Warts are basically unusual growth of non-cancerous cells. These are removed by minor surgery held by your dermatologist. Actually warts happen due to the various viruses and one of them is human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus causes the growth of cells and due to which there is a lump on your skin. Sometimes, doctor diagnoses it by just looking at it. it is really rare that patient has to go under a surgery just for the diagnosis of warts. As we have discussed that warts are not that dangerous but these are not something to left unnoticed. It is because it can be contagious and also very uncomfortable for the time being. It is really necessary to get rid of them by seeing your doctor and proceed with proper precautions.
Wound Suturing
Wound suturing is procedure of stitching of wound and holding the tissues of your body together. Basically it is done by a small needle and thread through which the tissues of body are stitched so that serious complications could be avoided. This procedure is little invasive because of its procedure. If the instruments are not properly sterilized that would cause serious complications for the patients wound. Moreover, It is not always necessary that needle would be of the same size. This varies from position to position of your wound. It is really a good practice to suture your wound rather than letting it the way it is.