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Electrocautery is minor surgery done by passing alternative current (AC) or direct current (DC) to heat the living tissue of human body in order to stop bleeding, The process of stopping bleeding is known as hemostasis. IT is also done to remove dead cells or to destroy cancerous cells of your body. It is used to stop the abnormal growth of cells in your body. Majorly this technique is used by the dermatologist. They use it for the betterment of their patient’s skin or to stop any more complications in their disease if it caused by the abnormal growth of cells.

Why electrocautery?

Electrocautery becomes essential when their is bleeding in human body. Moreover, doctor will do electrocautery to reach to the root o the problem. First doctor will clear the site to get to know the actual reason of the bleeding and after that through electrocautery he will seal the vessels off. Due to which the blood loss of patient will stop and many more complications would be avoided.

Electrocautery is used to remove many things and some of the following are listed below.

Cancerous cells removal

This technique is used to remove the cancerous cells in your body. Doctor will carry out electrocautery to remove cells which are causing the destruction of your immune system and not letting your body to recover completely.

Wart removal

Warts can be located o your body anywhere. To remove these doctor use this technique. With this technique people remove their warts just to maintain their body’s original shape.

Tumors removal

The abnormal growth of your body cells can be really serious. It can also leads to further complication and also to invasive procedures. But with the help of electrocautery you can easily remove these tumors.


Electrocautery is carried out by doctor in a very professional environment. A grounding mat is placed at your thigh to avoid any serious effect while current will go through your body. In electrocautery current actually does not go through your body its the heat created by the current which destroy the harmful tissues or cells of you body. Local or general anesthesia is usually given to the patient. So that they should not experience that severe pain. Anesthesia given to you depends upon the surgery your are going through. Electrocautery is basically a minor surgery. This procedure is not invasive and neither there is need to horrify from it.


Electrocautery will effectively stop the bleeding during the surgery or in case of any injury. But the anesthesia given to the patients can cause little bit issues. It is not applied to every patient. Patient with the background of some serious complications can have serious issues when given anesthesia. If they gain their consciousness while having surgery they might not feel pain but that can lead to some serious psychological problems. It all depends upon the surgeon. If he/she has properly carried out the the surgery then there will be very minute chances of all these complications. You must visit your doctor in case of serious problems. Do not get to any foolish quack.